# 1. 关于齐城(Orange) - 浙江大学本科,Carnegie Mellon University硕士,主攻数字媒体/游戏开发; - 先后在中国的腾讯、韩国的Krafton以及加拿大的Behaviour Interactive三家头部游戏企业任职,从业经验覆盖游戏策划、项目管理、投资并购、商务合作等领域,并多次主导从0到1的业务开荒; - 作为演讲嘉宾参加ChinaJoy、中国游戏产业年会等行业会议; - 在业余时间和在校大学生共同创办了“游火研究院”,致力于为年轻人创造快速了解全球游戏行业的机会; ![[Pasted image 20240513191757.png | 300]] ![[Pasted image 20240513191810.png | 300]] # 2. 联系方式 微信: orangeqi314 邮箱: [email protected] LinkedIn: [Cheng (Orange) Qi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/orangeqi/) **欢迎以下几类朋友随时联系我:** - 你开发游戏,想要获得合作伙伴、行业信息或者是试玩反馈; - 你投资或者发行游戏,想要接触更多的优质游戏研发团队; - 你打算进入游戏行业并且已经投入了很多时间研究路径,想要得到一些职业发展建议; - 你热衷分享有趣的书籍、文章或观点; - 你在北美带娃,喜欢分享育儿经验和关于教育系统的洞察; **游火研究院微信公众号:** ![[IMG_8434.jpg | 150]] **游火研究院小红书:** [链接]( https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/56987bfdb8c8b47f3018c06c?xsec_token=YBCjUOuUvk4K9BiAJkkTgo1-K5lccmv9XUqaixYxar6DE=&xsec_source=app_share&xhsshare=CopyLink&appuid=56987bfdb8c8b47f3018c06c&apptime=1735234104&share_id=093b5361eb784986af644282e6753408) # 3. 我的日常分享 ## 3.1 文章 [[在他人头脑中构建未来的能力 2024-10-04]] [[“即时通讯”陷阱 2024-10-04]] [[职场的信用额度 2024-10-04]] [[(转) Tim Ferris - 17 questions that changed my life 2024-09-30]] [[结果在外部 2024-05-04]] [[职场十年,那些启发我的观点(第一期) - 2024-01-28]] [[蒙村趣事(一) 2023-11-04]] [[5 Quotes This Week - 2023-09-16]] [[战略的妄念 - 2023-08-03]] [[10倍 比 2倍 更容易 - 2023-07-05]] [[做游火研究院的这半年 2022-07-01]] [[98%的投入其实比100%更难 - 2023-07-01]] [[每个人都需要杠杆 - 2023-07-01]] [[播客02 对话Chris:AI时代的网状社交和终身学习 2023-06-01]] [[新的开始。为何做Newsletter? 2023-06-01]] [[多做生产者、少做消费者 - 2023-06-01]] [[近期的几点思考 2023-1-1]] [[碎片思考 - 时间分配视角、收敛失败原因、AI对答的宗教感、赚钱的三个维度、连接相似的人 2022-12-25]] [[情感联结,超越媒介 - 游火2022年末特辑(三) - 2022-12-22]] [[频繁出现在视野里的那些产品 - 游火2022年末特辑(二) - 2022-12-05]] [[跟我一起回顾全球178条投资并购消息 - 游火2022年末特辑(一) - 2022-12-04]] [[好学生的9个职场陷阱 - 2022-12-07]] [[从星际争霸玩家到500亿美元电商巨头 2022-05-16]] [[浅谈读书 2017-06-01]] [[在国外学游戏设计,我学到了什么? - 2016-04-07]] ## 3.2 书单 [2024已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/157673823/) [2023已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/154066824/) [2022已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/147892854/) [2021已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/136015457/) [2020已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/122112994/) [2019已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/120856121/) [2018已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/46531436/) [2017已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/45773030/) [2016已读推荐 (douban.com)](https://www.douban.com/doulist/45649953/) ## 3.3 笔记 --- Perception(感知) vs. Perspective(视角) 感知是你对周围世界的解释,它只对你是独一无二的。真正的武器是,是跳出自己的感知,跳入不同的视角,这样会给你信息优势,因为你知道其他人会怎么想、怎么做。 --- 应该把时间、资源、精力都专注于那些能够增加自己在未来获得成功的概率的事情上,而不是盯着过去的问题修修补补。 --- The only people who’ll remember you worked late are your kids. --- The most dangerous point in life is not the point of total failure but the point of moderate success. A failed man keeps throwing punches—his spirit is alive and kicking. But a moderately successful man is in the danger of trading potential glory for peaceful mediocrity --- 对于每一种动物来说,都有一种最合适的体型,这是正常状态。当你试图将其扩散到不同的尺寸或者速度时,就会出现问题。 巴菲特:让九个女人怀孕,一个月也生不出一个孩子。 --- 巴菲特:追求最坏情况下取得“还可以“的结果,而不是乐观情况下取得”最棒的“结果。 --- It's better to dominate a small pond than drown in an ocean. --- 如果100次里我们注定要失败10次,当我们有先后顺序地经历10次失败,心态会受到冲击;但是如果我们直接看到100次的结果,就会知道我们做的不错。 人生的目标不是去消除失败,而是从整体上实现赢多输少,或者是抓住关键的胜利。 --- 人背负着“自由”的重担,因为我们是自由的,所以我们必须为自己的行为负责。 --- Being brilliant won't save you if no one can count on you. It can be hard to appreciate just how much reliability impacts opportunity. It's fun to outperform people who are way smarter than you by being more reliable than they are. Reliability isn't just a virtue - it's a competitive advantage that compounds over time. --- Instead of asking, "How can I achieve this goal?", asking "What is preventing me from achieving it?" --- simplicity allows you to scale --- Specialization is a ­trade-­off: pursuing one course means not pursuing another. It’s narrowing your focus to increase your impact. In a world of infinite knowledge and finite time, specialization is the key to unlocking mastery. It’s about going deep, not wide. Specialization has risks. If the world changes, what was once a valuable specialty can become obsolete. And yet, we need specialists. You wouldn’t want a generalist doing your brain surgery or a root canal. Ultimately, specialization is about where you spend your time and effort. It’s how you stand out. It’s choosing to be great at one thing instead of okay at many. --- What you call impossible is often just pain you're unwilling to endure. --- Failure is rarely the result of some isolated event. Rather, it is a consequence of a long list of accumulated little failures which happen as a result of too little discipline. --- "You don’t need to be smarter than others to outperform them if you can out-position them. Anyone looks like a genius when they’re in a good position, and even the smartest person looks like an idiot when they’re in a bad one." --- 找到好的生意 -> 需要操心的事情少 -> 闲下来,感到厌倦 -> 折腾其他事情、分散注意力 -> 搞砸原本很好的事情 想要避免这种恶性循环,只能耐心,再耐心。 --- Your calendar is the most honest autobiography you'll ever write. It isn't just recording your time - it's exposing your lies. --- Motion creates momentum, and momentum reveals opportunities that standing still never could. --- “The sure sign of an amateur is he has a million plans and they all start tomorrow.” ― Steven Pressfield, Turning Pro --- The best advice is free. Because it’s so stupidly simple you couldn’t sell it with a straight face. The best “energy drink” is 3L of water. The best “focus drug” is 8 hours of sleep. The best “antidepressant” is 45 minutes of exercise. --- What's real secret? Relationships with absolutely the highest quality people. --- 人生是一个不断识别“不能”和“不想”、并尽量降低它们在生命里比重的过程。比重降到足够低,就获得自由。--- The most successful people don't fight their nature. They architect their environment to amplify it. Stop asking: "How do I fix myself?" Start asking: "How do I position myself where my natural traits are assets?" --- Moments don't make legends. Consistency does. And the hardest consistency isn't in doing brilliant things but avoiding stupid ones. Every mistake puts you in hard mode, forcing you to make up lost ground. Anyone can do it once. The outliers do it often. --- It’s better to get a 10x employee at 2x the price than 1x employee at a half the price. --- All the energy you put into arguing with reality comes at the expense of improving your situation. The mountain doesn't care how much you yell at it, but you'll find a path around it if you stop and look. --- Champions obsess over fundamentals, not trophies. While others chase revenue and fancy titles, outliers focus on what they can control today: reading one more book, making one more phone call, and reviewing that email one final time. They know that excellence comes from perfecting the basics. Stop worrying about where the arrow lands. Master the art of drawing the bow. --- The lazy lose to the average. The average lose to the focused. The focused lose to the obsessed. --- Instead of describing problems as "big" or "small" issues, describing them as "high" or "low" issues. High problems seep. They stain. They coat what's below, like melted frosting dripping down a cake. Gravity always wins, and high problems eventually become low problems too. When you encounter low problems - especially ones that wouldn't seem noteworthy to an uninvolved observer — it's safer to assume they're symptoms of something bleeding from above, rather than growing from below. --- You are as small as what you allow to annoy you. This mindset makes you realize how ‘cheap’ you sell your happiness. Sell it to the lowest bidder at a moment’s notice. --- “Companies exist at room temperature. It’s a founder’s job to inject heat.” --- “When I try, I win. And with this, I’ll try.” --- It is a real weakness to want to be liked. --- Morgan Housel: "Risk and luck are the same thing, but in opposite directions. Both are simply an acknowledgement of things outside of your control can have a bigger impact on the outcome than anything you do on your own." --- Morgan Housel: “There is an optimal amount of bullshit in life. Having no tolerance for hassle, nonsense and inefficiency is not an admirable trait; it’s denying reality. Once you accept a certain level of BS, you stop denying its existence and have a clearer view of how the world works.” --- 三种战胜竞争对手的方法:smarter, luckier, more patient --- Jason Fried: I don’t believe in MVPs. I think they’re the lowest of the lowest bar, an insult to product development in general. What’s less inspiring than something that’s Minimally Viable? We do what I call MPV1s. Maximally Proud Version 1s. Version 1 won’t be everything to everyone, but it’ll be everything to us. Just what we need, and nothing more. And we’ll be proud of every part of it — and also what it isn’t, yet. Version 1 is all about being selfish. You’ll make a better product that way. For you, and, ultimately, for them too. --- 解决问题时,用药方向和用药剂量都很重要。 --- 经常站在内部和外部两个视角审视事情,尽可能减少观察者效应带来的影响。 --- > Startups typically don't die from starvation (lack of opportunities), they usually die from indigestion (taking on too many things at once) --- > Warren Buffett: a set of major shocks is sure to occur in the next 30 years. We will not try to predict them or profit from them. --- > Thoughts can be consumed or dismissed. Is this thought nourishing? Is this feeling something you should drink? Or is it more like getting caught in the rain? > You'll always feel the rain, but you don't have to drink the rain. You can let the thought pass and in a few moments the sun will return. You don't have to claim everything you feel. --- > The person who carefully designs their daily routine goes further than the person who negotiates with themselves every day. > Let inertia work for you. --- > Personality is the sum of your quirks. No quirks, no personality. Don't blend in with the crowd, stand out. --- Ignore numbers, focus on who loves my content. --- > Ego is about who’s right. Truth is about what’s right. --- > It is your own job to get the information outside of your direct line of work that you think are relevant for you to build up your understanding. And this is a very clearly communicated piece of information to people. In fact, during hiring, we're saying, you will do better if you have a little bit of archeology tendencies in this company. - Tobi Lutke --- > Busy is a decision. We do the things we want to do, period. If we say we are too busy, it is shorthand for "not important enough". > When I find myself with an opportunity, I ask myself whether I’d be happy if my epitaph had something to do with this project. If the answer is a clear no, it probably means it’s not actually very important to me. --- > “What we usually consider as impossible are simply engineering problems . . . there’s no law of physics preventing them.” – Michio Kaku --- > 帮一个人补齐认知的代价很高(所以只能选老板,不能教育老板)。所以顾问、咨询之类要付费。 --- > 世界上不存在一个叫「用户」的人或群体,存在的只是需求的集合(都是购物,但是同一个用户去拼多多和去京东,是两种需求)。 --- > 企业是为了创造有利可图的用户价值(无利可图的用户价值,也有其价值,但不是企业存在的目的)。 --- 有趣的面试问题: - 有哪些事情是别人觉得很难很无趣,但你自己却乐此不疲的坚持了很久的? - 最近半年有什么观点改变了你的认知或者行为方式? - 你迄今为止做过的最有成就感的一件事是什么? - 你觉得现在的工资配得上你的工作吗? - 如果你突然有半个月的带薪休假,只有一个条件,就是必须研究一个事儿,你会研究什么? - 你正在做的事,行业里最顶尖的的人或公司是谁,他们是怎么做的? - 你在此前的人生经历中,做过什么重要的取舍?对于这件事,如果有机会重新做一次,你会怎么做? --- > In order to "have" you must "do", and in order to "do you must "be". --- > 人要像牡蛎一样,. 神秘自给自足而且孤独。 --- 爬山算法和全局最优 Hill Climbing Algorithm的问题是不能确保爬上最高的山峰,所以会有random-restart hill climbing algorithm等改良方法。 不要轻易放弃把自己放置在一些随机位置上的机会。 --- Loosen your grip 就像学吉他时,当你初学不熟练或者过度紧张的时候,你会握的很紧,那样会弹的更差、手也更容易酸。 就像出差的时候,当你行程排得非常满的时候,你更少有机会去深入探索一些预料之外有趣的机会、人也更容易累。 保持松弛感,get better control, play better, play longer. --- 战略是对机会成本的审视 > Saying yes to one thing, means you’re secretly saying “no” to hundreds of other options in the future. --- Chase freedom, don't chase money or title or power. --- The essence of negotiation Negotiation is all about who can bear the uncomfortable feelings longer.\ --- > 时光,就是希望本身。 --- > 对于重复出现的事件,无论它们看起来多么奇怪,我们必须时刻准备着去学习和研究。 --- >The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it. >That's why there is so much bullshit in the world. >Easy to make, hard to remove. --- > Life is simple but not easy. The problem is we want life to be easy, which makes it complicated. --- > When it's behind you, it's behind you “Perfection is impossible. In the 1526 singles matches I played in my career, I won almost 80% of those matches. Now, I have a question for you. What percentage of points do you think I won in those matches? Only 54%. In other words, even top-ranked tennis players win barely more than half of the points they play. When you lose every second point on average, you learn not to dwell on every shot. You teach yourself to think, okay, I double-faulted ... it's only a point. Okay, I came to the net, then I got passed again; it's only a point. Even a great shot, an overhead backhand smash that ends up on ESPN's top 10 playlist. That, too, is just a point. And here's why I'm telling you this. When you're playing a point, it has to be the most important thing in the world, and it is. But when it's behind you, It's behind you. This mindset is really crucial because it frees you to fully commit to the next point and the next point after that, with intensity, clarity, and focus. You want to become a master at overcoming hard moments. That is, to me, the sign of a champion. The best in the world are not the best because they win every point. It's because they lose again and again and have learned how to deal with it. You accept it. Cry it out if you need to and force a smile.” — Roger Federer --- > Results are accumulating, even if they are not visible. --- > Never regret a day in your life. Good days give happiness, bad days give experiences, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories. > —Professor Richard Feynman --- 自律是找到自己的律动 不是自我约束、自我限制。而是和自己的节拍匹配。 --- 巴菲特的四个问题 ①如果你能买一个同学的人生10%,你会买谁? ②如果你能做空一个同学的人生的10%,你会做空谁? ③如果你可以用银子弹干掉一个你行业的竞争对手,你会干掉谁? ④如果你可以投资行业里的除了你的一家公司,你会投资谁? --- Preacher, Prosecutor, Politician, Scientist Preacher: "When we're in preacher mode, we're convinced we're right" Prosecutor: "When we're in prosecutor mode, we're trying to prove someone else wrong," he continued. Politician: It's no shock that "when we're in politician mode, we're trying to win the approval of our audience." Scientist: When you think like a scientist, "you favor humility over pride and curiosity over conviction," Adam Grant explained. "You look for reasons why you might be wrong, not just reasons why you must be right." --- > 尼采:从步履中能看出一个人是否步入正途。接近目标的人不再行走,他翩翩起舞。 --- > Fight for the things that you care about. But do it in a way that will lead others to join you. --- I don't know yet, but I believe I can figure it out. 这是最重要的人生态度。 --- 老喻的分享:大力的本质,大的是压强。 想要增加压强,要么让压力更大,要么让面积更小。前者是增压,后者是聚焦。 --- 问的问题再愚蠢,也只是蠢一时; 如果遇到不懂的事情却不问,有可能蠢一辈子。 --- 不要被to-do list绑架,每天专注于找到自己的one big thing。 专注于达成结果,而不是做任务。每天找到一件事情,只要达成目标就会让自己觉得一天都很有成就感。 --- 开会最有价值的不是当场决策,而是确保用来做决策的criteria没有遗漏、达成共识。 --- 与其给公司定义一个mission statement,应该给公司定义一系列的mission questions。对答案保持开放性,但是用问题来引导团队思考和决策。 --- 幸福生活的定义 - 安稳的睡眠 - 慵懒的早晨 - 充足的休闲和娱乐时间 - 深度阅读和交谈 - 自由表达 - 极少被迫做选择 - 宽阔的生活空间 - 安静的环境 - 美食 - 和睦的家庭氛围 - 均衡的online和offline time --- 从松鼠的分享中学到的,不要去追求高手的经验,因为他们代表的是极端案例。他们的成功很大部分来自于天赋和运气。 中手身上能学到的,才是可能具有普适性的经验。 --- Don't be easily surprised by the things that never happened in your life. 拉长时间线,看整个世界的发展和其他人的故事,就会知道,发生在自己身上的意料之外的事情,不过是其他历史事件的重演。 --- 告诉员工定义一个自己的secret mission,需要完成或者实现一件公司内目前不存在的事情,并且需要找到至少一个合伙人。 定期汇报进度,并且告知自己有何事需要支持。 --- 最近看到的一个总结,只有三种情况应该主动讲话: - 让别人高兴 - 给别人传递有价值的信息 - 能赚到钱 网传是洛克菲勒的建议,但是极大可能是杜撰的,没找到原文。但话说的在理。 --- 与其花大量的时间尝试去做出“完美的决策“,不如多努力让决策本身成为可逆的。 可以参考贝佐斯过往的分享:[贝索斯的决策方法论:当决策可逆时,当机立断 | 界面 · 财经号 (jiemian.com)](https://m.jiemian.com/article/3567023.html) > It's more advantageous to structure decisions to be easily reversible than to take too much time trying to make the perfect choice. —— Shane Parrish --- “因”上努力,“果”上随缘 对“果”的执着是妄念。 任何因果分析,都要注意"when"这个条件。很多因果关系不是普适的、持续有效的。 --- 在动植物界我们可以看到大量例子,在一个环境下可以生存和快速繁衍的生物,换了一个环境就有可能死亡或者给环境带来破坏。 人也是如此,选择适合自己的环境,与个人努力本身同等重要。 再拓展到企业经营,选择合伙人和员工也同样要重视这一点,从竞争对手那里挖来明星员工,很有可能是灾难的开始。 --- 重塑自己的过程必然充满痛苦,因为我们既是雕塑家,又是石料本身。 > Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor. —— Alexis Carrel ![[Pasted image 20240428094726.png | 200]] --- 两个人相遇时,其实是6个人在交流:你以为的你,你以为的他,真正的你;他以为的他,他以为的你,真正的他。 > Whenever two people meet, there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as the other person sees him, and each man as he really is.” —— William James